Wednesday, August 11, 2004

honey cake

so i surrender to the urge to start a blog.

the impetus - a small chocolate covered piece of honey cake.

yup, i'm thinking the central theme of this place will be food - my major obsession. i wanted to call it "stuffed" so i could change the theme to taxidermy when i got bored but it seemed too obvious. also, i'm not sure i'll ever get bored of food.

so, the cake. a small cube of moist, gingery honey cake the colour of a dark rye bread. covered in thick dark chocolate. only two bites in it. too damn perfect. made me wonder why in all the year's of going to glick's i've never eaten any sweets. sure, their eggplant dip rates as my favourite spread ever, and their bagels always satisfy... but still... the cake was so good that after eating the piece i initially bought, sarah had to run back in and buy a dozen more.

and while i'm talking about all things jewish (food being my major link to my cultural heritage - as if being jewish is just a privileged position from which to judge bagels) joe's piece Israel's Liberal Apologists has some excellent data on anti-Palestinian media bias taken from a book called Bad News from Israel. Makes me think again how necessary some information about colonial history really is. crucial. scary that people think the Palestinians are "occupiers" but not surprising I suppose. been thinking hard lately about where some of the horrible frustrated energy i feel around palestine/israel can be usefully put. suggestions welcome. lately i'm leaning towards a poster series. tried to re-join 'jews for a just peace' but they don't seem to exist in melbourne anymore.

oh, and thanks to lou for the impetus to finally try the cakes at glick's


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

hi it's me nell
sorry i read the second email you sent me after the first one you sent me and i got confused

i like sarah a lot, for my money she is the best girlfriend you've had so far and sometimes i look at her boobies even though i'm straight.

i like glicks too, their eggplant dip always reminds me of that random uncle dude of yours who was a cook and his eggplant dip had so much garlic in it that it was hot like chilli. he was cool.

love ya guts matie
