Friday, September 28, 2007

the raging cupcake controversy

From our friends at the NYTimes (via dad) comes this quite banal article about an obesity vs cupcakes article. It has excellent pull quote potential though.

Cupcake is a term of endearment, but it can also be a rather mean-spirited word. “Cupcake teams” in sports are said to be soft and easily crushed. As food, though, cupcakes are democratic; everyone gets one. And they are libertarian; individual and independent compared with communal cakes, which may not have enough slices for everyone.
Yay for the libertarian bakers front. Boo for the anti-communal bakers front. Also get this for a closing paragraph:
After a long debate thread, another blogger wrote, “You people need to go back to the suburbs ... Seriously, bunch of grown up New York City residents obsessing over a cupcake shop. I miss the gunfire and crackheads.”
Go here for the full article. And note the wonderfulness of the Times that you can double click any word and it'll give you a definition in a pop up box.
crack·head (krăk'hĕd') pronunciation
n. Slang. A heavy user of crack cocaine.
Though in reference to chocolate guinness cupcakes it gives you:
Guin·ness (gĭn'ĭs) pronunciation, Sir Alec 1914–2000.British actor known for his extraordinary range of roles. His films include The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957), for which he won an Academy Award.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

X marks the spot.

Oh sometimes I love this interweb place...
On this post Wojtek has left me a link to a map.
A map showing the best pickles in Warsaw.
It's like pirate treasure!! Pickle booty!!
Now, just gotta get a ticket to Poland.
I can almost see those pickles on the satellite version.
Thanks Wojtek.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

green soup

So spring is getting on with it. The first tomato seeds have sprouted and stuck their necks outta the soil. The blossom is already falling and the broccoli is trying to turn into flowers the second you turn your back on it.

So I decided to pull up my patch of broccoli raab (aka cime di rapa). It was my first time growing it and I'd say it was a big success. Except I didn't know how quickly I had to eat it so now what's left has gotten quite tough as it turns into bright yellow flowers.

So, in our new friend Mr Red Pot we have - green soup. Should you find yourself wondering what to do with all your going to seed brassicas you might like to try it.

Fry some chopped almonds.
Add some garlic.
Fill the pot with chopped up broccoli and cime di rapa.
Cover with water or stock.
Boil for quite a while.

It wasn't bad at all. The almonds add a good creaminess. The only problem was all the long fibres. I reckon a food processor woulda helped - I used the stick blender and that was quite ineffectual. Or maybe strain it somehow?

I am the bicycle-cupcake-king!

These were for the latest Roomers magazine launch. Tal put the R's on them.

The transportation worked a dream except for when I had to get them out and carry them around - then I ended up with pink all over my sleeves!