Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I love webstats.. not just knowing someone actually comes here, not just the amusement of the strange search terms that bring you here but also occassionally looking at how many of you are, like me, doing this on work time.

So hands up:
Who's my fan from the Department of Premier and Cabinet?
Who's at News Ltd in Sydney?
Griffith Uni?
But wait, who the hell is visiting from the House of Rep's in the big ole U S of A?


Anonymous said...

Folks at food mags do read food blogs :)

Anonymous said...

didn't you know i work at DPC? there is at least one other old melbourne uni student union hack here as well...dunno if she checks your blog though - i never asked.

joe cupcake said...

ah so out of the woodwork they come...

welcome, welcome food mag researchers and old chums alike.